iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Touch Problems

Common iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 plus problems

Even though iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are considered older models, they are still extremely popular and common. And so do these issues they tend to have.

If your phone is suffering from one of the following you need to bring it to your nearest iPhone Repair shop.Iphone Repair 6 Plus Grey Bar

 Touch screen intermittently works

 Touch screen not working at all

 Can’t swipe

 Part of the touch screen not working

 Grey flickering bar appearing on to


We, at Oz Phone Repairs have been successfully fixing these long before Apple publicly admitted to such issues.


What seems to be the problem?

iPhone Repair - Touch IC

Very simply put, every time you touch the display this input is transmitted to a chip (touch IC ) that registers it and sends it further to the main CPU. Due to the design of these phones there is a chance this very chip gets dislodged from its position tiny bit causing “dry joint”. In other words, intermittent or no connection which then translates to above mentioned problems.

In some cases all is needed is a replacement of that very chip, in others more complicated repair underneath this chip is required.


We do offer both iPhone repairs for your convenience and can get your iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus running in no time 😊.


Please check our services for more info regarding common issues.


Thank you

OZ Phone Repairs Team